

Dealertrack Accelerated Title® is a digital solution that speeds payoff and title release to as fast as 4-6 days and helps ensure cash flow on trade

Avoid Trade-in Time Traps & Profit Pitfalls

Speak to a trade-in titling expert to learn more about Accelerated Title.

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The Clock Starts Ticking as Soon as You Take In A Trade

Time-consuming manual processes can make trade-in title release drag on while holding costs accumulate:

  • Making calls to the lender to find the payoff amount and work it into the customer’s new car deal.
  • Cutting checks and mailing them to the lender to initiate title release, which can take up to 4 weeks or longer.
  • Dealing with payoff surprises that may not surface until the title arrives.
Lifecycle of a trade-in vehicle

Watch Now: The Lifecycle of a Trade-in

Dealertrack Accelerated Title®

Accelerated Title Expressway

Here’s how our trade-in titling solution helps you avoid busy work, time traps, hold times and unfortunate surprises.

  • Access full title details ahead of accepting the trade, so you can avoid any payoff surprises, like undisclosed co-owners or incorrect addresses.
  • Eliminate the need to contact the lender and automatically calculate reliable payoff amounts based on the specific date you select.
  • Transfer funds directly to the lender via ACH (no need to cut a check) so your lender can release titles same day funds are received.
  • Receive the title in as fast as 4-6 days, which is up to 70% faster1.


Fill out the form below to schedule a 15-minute demo

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