

Digital Contracting on Dealertrack uniFI® now with assisted Remote Signing.


Are you looking for an eContracting solution? It’s easy to make the right choice with a solution that provides you with the tools to speed up funding.

Compare Dealertrack F&I vs. other providers Digital Contracting on Dealertrack uniFI® Other Contracting Providers
End-to-end Workflow
One deal jacket from leads to contracts with all funding documents in a single location.
No Transaction Fees
DMS Integrations
Integrates seamlessly with leading DMS providers to reduce deal data entry.
Verify table-verify
Real-Time Error Display
Built-in verification alerts as you enter data.
Live Funding Checklist
Digital list of up-to-date lender required documents.
Fax Checklist Only
Sign table-sign
New! Create a Single Signing Session
Make any document eSignable and save signature fields for frequently uploaded dealer forms.
Ability to save is not offered
Sign on multiple devices
Review and sign on a device that works best for your process.*
Sign and tap
Sign once and simply tap to auto-fill signature fields for a faster signing process.
New! Assisted Remote Signing
A secure, online, contract review and signing process. Anytime. Anywhere. Learn More >
Submit table-submit
Point of Sale Capture
Snap and upload high quality documents with your tablet*.
Requires Separate App Download
Local File Upload
Easily upload scanned documents and email files from your computer.
Up to 4MB
Up to 2MB
Aftermarket Contracts
Included in your funding package.
Trailing Document Support
Even after you submit, you can upload additional documents.
*Compatible with most 9″ or larger devices, including iPads®, Androids and touchscreen tablets. Not all device types supported. Assisted Remote Signing functionality subject to lender participation.


Here you will see the list of lenders that are currently available on Digital Contracting on Dealertrack uniFI®.

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