Every automotive dealership is going to do what it can to offer great deals and customer service today. It simply has to. But, there’s more that can be done to set your dealership apart.…

Technology Without Teamwork Hurts Where it Counts
A lack of teamwork hurts where it counts. So, who’s counting? The average dealership invests significant dollars in technology every year. If you’re not sure if you’re overspending, chances are you haven’t fully calculated…

Drive to Success: The Mobility Revolution is Here…
What does Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) mean? For one, it means that the way people move from point-A to point-B is no longer just big business for the auto industry. Opportunity lurks in plain sight for…

Controllers: Meet Challenges & Share Advice
What does it take to tackle the daily challenges of running an automotive dealership? Controllers work in a complex role. They’re responsible for training and keeping teams of employees—with varying levels of experience—up-to-speed on…

Drive to Success: Build Customer Service Strategies For Success
Remember when the customer was “King” in the sales industry? Have you ever experienced a truly negative buying experience that left you questioning what went wrong? Purchasing an automobile is a major financial decision—where…

Drive to Success: Convenience is King in the Service Lane
A recent Cox Automotive study sheds light on changing behavior in the service lane—and there’s good news and bad news. First, consumers who didn’t return for service at your dealership represent, roughly, $266 billion…

Leadership Lessons: Master Year End Like a Boss
Rise and shine, two-zero-one-nine! It’s time to meet year end with fresh optimism and a health strategy. If your role at the dealership is to manage, prepare, or file year-end tax forms, W-2’s (or…

Drive to Success: Will Your Dealership Master Margin Compression This Year?
Dealership owners are betting big this year on new technologies, procedural updates, data-crunching, and high-hopes to combat margin compression. Will your dealership’s strategy prove to be successful in mastering this menace? There’s nothing like…

Technology Alone Won’t Drive Profits
Automotive dealerships do more than sell fast, shiny cars to eager customers. When it comes to adopting technologies to improve workflows, reach new customers, and do just about anything and everything, dealers are pretty…

Drive to Success: Best Practice Tips for Taxes and W-2’s
It’s crunch time (also known as year end for controllers and finance managers). This is your time to shine, so don’t panic. Taxes, W-2’s, and important tasks and deadlines are your thing. Here’s a…

A Right-Sized DMS: What’s Tech Costing Your Dealership?
The business of selling cars is complex. Technology solutions were supposed to streamline and simplify the process so your team could focus on what you do best: serve your customers. But, as dealerships began adopting technology…

Drive to Success: What’s Driving The Mobility Movement?
The Mobility movement is gaining momentum and there’s no going back! Does your dealership have a strategy to capitalize on the next big thing, hop on the bandwagon, and ride the wave into the…