As more and more of the car-buying process moves online, dealerships across the country are demanding more from the technology solutions that drive their business. According to a 2020 Cox Automotive COVID-19 Dealer Impact…

Latest Dealertrack DMS Integrations Help Dealers Re-Organize and Readjust Workflows Amid Reopening Phase
New process enhancements help enable dealership staff to spend more time optimizing the customer experience. Draper, UT – August 13, 2020 – As dealerships across the country look to regain momentum, many are also…

Overcoming Objections: Find Consensus for Your New DMS
The old saying goes, “Change is good.” But, the reality is, “Change can be really uncomfortable.” When organizations switch technologies, make broad structural shifts, or roll out new policies, the decision is never made…

Streamlining Out-of-State Registration & Title
As many dealerships enable digital retailing tools, their potential customer base can expand significantly as they engage with clients outside their normal reach. As of early this year, dealers using digital retailing saw a…

Five Tips Before Rolling Out Payroll Powered by Netchex
New technology within your dealership has the potential to harness your data and unlock powerful insights that improve your business. And as your dealership grows, you’ll likely experience several key technology transitions that help…

Tips for Communicating DMS Change
Tips for Communicating DMS Change Who, what, when, and how to share the exciting news with your team. By now, your DMS transition team is all-in on your switch to Dealertrack DMS. But what about the…

Best practice tips for transitioning to a digital dealership
Dealers are currently beating the odds in the face of economic unrest and uncertainty. According to the Cox Automotive COVID-19 Consumer and Dealer Impact Study, dealerships who have implemented digital sales models are exceeding…

Solutions to Mitigate Common Auto Loan Portfolio Risks
As of the first quarter of 2020, there were 116.46 million car loans in the U.S. In any market conditions, lenders require the right data and insights to effectively manage their loan portfolios. With…

The Road to a Successful DMS Technology Switch
Choosing a new technology for your dealership is a big deal. You’ve likely put in the hours to find the right partner, select a vendor who checks all the right boxes, and get everyone…

How Other Dealers are Communicating Change
There’s no right way to announce a DMS transition and the best channels for communication will depend on your dealership’s specific structure and culture. Many dealerships choose to share their decisions during in-person town…

Master Your Upcoming DMS Transition
Learn the 4 Steps Dealers Need to Know Before You Roll Out a New Dealer Management System Your dealership relies on technology to drive innovation and meet changing buyer expectations. Finding a right-sized…

Hands-Off Tools for No-Contact Deals
As cities are “reopening” around the country, we see buyers returning cautiously, with just 2% of consumers considering things to be “back to normal” according to the Cox Automotive COVID-19 Consumer Impact Study (June…