Tired of distant, unproductive relationships, today’s dealerships are beginning to demand more personal support and more human interaction from their technology providers. Learn the benefits of demanding a technology that listens to you and your dealership needs.
Ten Years Ago the Apple iPhone Debuted. The World (and Automotive Retail) Has Never Been the Same
Almost exactly 10 years ago, the Apple iPhone went on sale. That’s right. It’s been 10 years, with 1.2 billion phones sold, and the world irretrievably changed — including automotive retail.
What Percent of Your Technology Gets Used?
When dealerships don’t use technology tools to their full potential, they fall short of what they could achieve. They can overcome that shortfall by engaging with their technology providers and participating in continuous learning activities.
Dealership Decision-Making: More Data Means More Money
Gaining access to that data within your dealership may require a shift in mindset and a change in technologies. But, given the track record of your gut feel, now is the time to start demanding the use of better decision-making tools in your business.
Millennials: Moving Out of the Basement, with Better Credit and More New Car Purchasing Power
Millennials are increasing their share of credit segments above Subprime, and are consistently racking up more approvals. In the Subprime segment alone, those approvals are over 66%.*
Classic Summer, Classic Cars
With all the focus on how automotive retail is changing, it can be easy to forget just how much fun cars can be, and how the summer time is a time for classic cars, road trips and cruising.

Switching Your Dealer Management System
A dealership’s DMS touches every aspect of the business, it’s the backbone that makes the dealership run. So changing providers takes careful planning and consideration.
The Warning Signs of Time-Wasting Tech
In order to benefit from the promise of technology-induced efficiency, dealerships need to demand simplicity, flexibility, and proactive partnerships from their vendors.
Three Key Yahoo! Takeaways for Automotive Retail
The demise of Yahoo! is the end of an era, but it’s also another signal of how the online world is constantly maturing. Fact is, changes in consumer behavior are amplified in digital spaces and require greater reliance on trusted key technology solutions that connect experiences.
How to Get Your Team Onboard with Switching Your DMS
Dealerships should expect their providers to have well-defined, streamlined processes for DMS installation.
Run Your Dealership, Not Your Technology
Technology has the potential to make dealership employees more efficient and more productive. But, research shows that outdated and inefficient technologies are having the opposite effect in many dealerships.
Use Top Technologies to Attract and Retain Top Talent
The automotive industry has room for improvement when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent. Investing in innovative technology can become an important part of the solution.