Accelerated Title Landing Page (Test)

Trade-ins without titles are Freeloaders on your lot.

While they’re sitting idle waiting for a clear title, they’re costing you money and time. Start clearing titles up to 70% faster* with Dealertrack Accelerated Title®.

Keep your trade-ins from becoming freeloaders

Speak to a trade-in titling expert to learn more about Accelerated Title.

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Turn trades faster to stop freeloaders from eating into your profit potential


Waiting for trade-in titles hurts your bottom line in more ways than one: Not only are you missing out on cash flow and profit potential while waiting to sell, you’re also incurring holding costs that eat into your margin every day a trade-in sits. With Accelerated Title, you can get clear titles in as fast as 4–6 days, keeping cash flow high and maximizing your profit.


Average Title Turn Times (In Days)*
*Based on average industry timeframe for vehicle title release and vehicle payoff process of 18+ days, as determined by 2020 Dealertrack data.

Keep freeloaders from throwing a wrench in your operation

Trade-ins waiting for a title don’t just hurt profit — title delays can also tie up your back office and slow operations.
Accelerated Title streamlines back-office work so your dealership can move fast.
  • See full title details before you take in a trade — no more surprises that need your team’s time to sort through.
  • Instantly find loan information — no more hours wasted hunting down lenders and manually calculating best guess payoff amounts.
  • Pay off loans same-day online — no more relying on paper checks, with same-day ACH payoff through our growing network of lenders.
Clear Titles 70% Faster

Clear titles fast for more profit and fewer headaches

Fill out the form below to schedule a 15-minute demo

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