Dealertrack DMS
is Here For You
Partners now, partners always.
Social Distancing guidelines are changing the way your dealership operates on a day-to-day basis. While you’re working hard to ensure the health and safety of your team and your customers, Dealertrack DMS is here for you to help navigate the impact to your dealership by keeping your business on track. Having access to your data in real-time while optimizing your processes has never been more critical.
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Dealer Forward:
Silver Linings: Dealer Roundtable of Marketing, Fixed Operations, and Sales Playbooks
Dealer Forward is a recurring CBT News panel discussion focused on building resiliency in three key areas of auto retail: marketing to the evolving consumer, achieving peak dealership performance and capturing the opportunity presented by fixed ops.
Today’s panel discussion covers the Cox Automotive Marketing, Fixed Ops, and Sales Dealer Playbooks, and examines real dealer stories – what is working well in the current market landscape and where to look for new opportunities for success.
Return Consumer & Employee Best Practices
Business Continuity Best Practices
Return Consumer & Employee Best Practices
As you and your fellow team members return to the dealership, and resume using the DMS on a daily basis, let’s help you make sure you’re ready to minimize disruption and get back to work. The best practices below are a comprehensive set of DMS processes and settings that were likely adjusted previously and will now need to be revisited as employees and customers begin returning to the dealership. In addition, please continue to utilize DMS 360 for step by step instructions on any of the recommendations below. Reimplement any IP restrictions that were temporarily removed while employees were working from home For employees that temporarily worked from home, these settings may have been adjusted accordingly. These will need to be reviewed so people can resume printing to the correct location within the dealership Dealership employees will be learning new processes and DMS functions that support them. View Lifetime Learning, as well as the knowledge base on DMS360 as a resource to fill this need. Review delivery methods of vehicles sales, parts, vehicle service to accommodate for social distancing Review documentation for utilizing other pay codes to track COVID pay for employee DMS software versions 20.02 and 20.03 have recently been delivered. Review the release notes on DMS 360 to learn about new features now available in the DMS Return Consumer and Employee Confidence
Best Practices
Update Your Store Hours:
Review User Security:
Reinstate IP Restrictions:
Audit Print Setups, Definitions, and Assignments:
Train and Re-train New and Existing Team Members:
Implement your new processes
Reach out to your AR customers:
Prepare for your first payroll:
Catch Up on Recent Product Enhancements:
Business Continuity Best Practices
As the retail industry faces new challenges, automotive businesses are facing unprecedented circumstances that require innovative strategy and technology to adapt. Dealertrack DMS is here to continue our partnership and help you maintain healthy business performance through functionality that allows you to stay socially distant and boost your digital footprint. We’ve compiled best practices that help you utilize your Dealer Management System to preserve operational efficiencies and overcome challenges. for fixed operation services, Dealertrack DMS helps bring the rest of your dealership into the cloud, allowing you to log in from anywhere with internet access and understand where your dealership stands with real-time updates. This means more socially distancing for you employees and a safer environment for your customers by giving those who do not need to be at the dealership the opportunity to work remotely. This includes each department throughout the dealership. Make any new downtime productive by closing out repair orders, on hold parts tickets, and old car deals. This will not only free up revenue but give you better insight into what is truly outstanding. This can include catching up on OEM mandating training, as well as cross-training employees to learn long overdue skills and responsibilities. Maximize remote and web-based training to respect social distancing. What reports are you running regularly, but not utilizing? What reports do you need but are putting many efforts into building and maintaining? If you have multiple stores, is your reporting consistent from store to store? If you need reporting help, contact your DMS performance manager. Now more than ever, your business is going to rely on your network setup and connection. This includes security and stability, as well as your primary method of communication both inside and outside the dealership. Are you still relying on old, out of date network equipment that’s on its last legs, or subject to a security breach? Do you have enough Internet speed? If you’re paying someone to manage this for you, do you understand what you’re paying (and possibly overpaying) for each month? While it’s realistic to expect a temporary decrease in foot traffic, you can still be productive and prepared for a comeback. In addition to cleaning and disinfecting hard surfaces, use this time to review all of your software applications, remove terminated employees, remove old labor operation codes and part numbers. Review your taxes, your fees, your discounts, and your accessories and aftermarket products. Catch up on past software releases and bug fixes you may have missed, and ensure your current processes are aligned with your software. Utilizing Opentrack gives you the flexibility to build your Dealer Management System to fit your business needs by integrating with any of the 175+ certified third-party vendors. Integrations add flexibility to your DMS and also help you consolidate the number of technology systems your team has to use every day or every task and provides opportunity to be more operationally efficient. Reporting solutions are critical to dealerships during economic uncertainty by uncovering operational efficiencies and actionable insights. DMS Critical Analytics is a tool that offers pre-built dashboards and reporting modules with drill-down capabilities and filtering that help you prioritize that data that drives value to your dealership. Stay on top of the game by finding the latest trends first and positioning your dealership to capitalize on opportunities. As businesses drive towards digital transformations, its important to have a network to keep your system up and running on all cylinders. Dealertrack DMS has partnered with Proton IT to offer Managed Network Services to dealerships that help dealerships save money and increase performance. Network professionals come on-site to optimize your setup and offer 24/7 support with industry expertise so you never miss a beat. While out-sourcing your network services can sound overwhelming, you can save up to 50% by switching from an in-house solution. Utilizing Opentrack gives you the flexibility to build your Dealer Management System to fit your business needs by integrating with any of the 175+ certified third-party vendors. Integrations add flexibility to your DMS and also help you consolidate the number of technology systems your team has to use every day or every task and provides opportunity to be more operationally efficient. Our Reflections platform helps you take the pile of paperwork and migrate it into a digital library, helping ease the dependence of working on-site.Best Practices for Driving a Digital Transformation
The Digital DMS Platform
While dealerships depend on manual labor
Auditing Procedures
Clean up Work in Process
Invest in Training
Assess your Reporting Needs
Review your Network Setup and Configuration
Deep Clean your Software
Unlocking Operational Efficiencies
Flexibility through Integration
Unlocking Data Driven Insights
Optimizing Your Network
Premier Human Capital Management
Digital Document Management
Keep Moving Forward with Tips, Insights and Tools for Your Dealership
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A Message from Keith Jezek,
our President of Retail Solutions
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Phone: (800) 429-3377