RTS PA Driver Verification


Driver’s license verification now available in Pennsylvania Reg & Title

PA Drivers License
To combat driver license fraud, PennDOT is mandating an electronic process to verify valid driver’s licenses.

To help dealers stay compliant, Dealertrack is the first to offer an easy-to-use solution that connects directly with the state system to authenticate that the driver’s license information provided to the dealership aligns with the PennDOT record on file.

Our solution allows you to:
  • Instantly verify that the driver’s license/ID exists.
  • Determine whether or not the driver’s license/ID presented matches the name, date of birth, expiration, and driver’s license number on record.
  • Print out a verification report for validated licenses to attach to the title work application.
  • Halt delivery of a vehicle when a license comes back “not validated.”
  • Instantly verify that the driver’s license/ID exists.
  • Determine whether or not the driver’s license/ID presented matches the name, date of birth, expiration, and driver’s license number on record.
  • Print out a verification report for validated licenses to attach to the title work application.
  • Halt delivery of a vehicle when a license comes back “not validated.”

The ID verification transaction includes an allowable pass-through fee per PennDOT from the dealer to the customer.

Dealers are encouraged to begin including driver license verification in their transaction process as soon as possible. After November 30, 2022, PennDOT will not allow transactions to be completed without this step.


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The reason is an increase in drivers license fraud within the state. PennDOT is concerned that drivers license fraud is unknowingly taking place at dealerships and agents. This mandate requires licenses and ID cards to be electronically verified using in PennDOT’s data base. To combat this fraud, PennDOT is mandating that all dealers and agents who process registrations online, conduct a driver verification.
Yes, all dealers and agents that process online, and those that do not, must begin driver license verification no later than November 2022.
The American Association of Motor Vehicles Administrators. This is an Association of all State DMVs. AAMVA is an electronic service that connects to more than 40 states to verify the validity of driver licenses and ID cards.
No personal data is stored with AMMVA.

It is recommended that the DLDV verification be completed early in the sales process. No work can be submitted either online or manually without verification that the DLDV check has
been completed.

Yes, a copy of the front and back of driver license is still required with all transactions and is to be sent with all paperwork along with the DLDV validation.
As of 2/27, PennDOT will no longer require a validation of a non-PA driver license.
The cost of the transaction is $2.00.
A scanner is recommended and will reduce the chance of errors but is not required. This is the scanner we used for testing and recommend: NETUM 2D Barcode Scanner, (this link will take you to Amazon).

Driver license verification is required for: primary transactions, and owner/lessee correction where the driver license is collected today. Primary transactions are Title & Registration (new plate or transfer), Title Only, and owner/lessee correction

Log in to the PA OLRS, go to Inquires, select Inquiry Log. Use the check box under Inquiry Type to select Driver Verification. You may also search using the search box and enter the customer’s last name.
Yes – for online dealers/agents, a DL/DV check must be completed for the transaction to process, and every Vendor in Pennsylvaniamust build this into their system. Agents and Dealers who are not online also must use this system as a “standalone” inquiry and provide the verification report with the paperwork sent to PennDOT.
Businesses are exempt from the driver license verification.
If the customer renewed their license online and they are waiting for their new license, enter expiration date four years from the expiration date on the current expired/previous license.
PA IDs and Permits can also be verified with the DLDV.
The transaction cannot be processed, and the vehicle should not be delivered. The dealer or agent must provide the customer with the PennDOT contact information and the customer is responsible for correcting their invalid status directly with PennDOT.

PennDOT operational hours are Monday – Friday (8am to 5pm).
RA-PDDLDVHELPDESK@pa.gov      717.710.2048

Canada, International and PR are exempt from DLDV.
Select the Military button and new driver fields will not display.

Suffixes are not required on the standalone verification screen.

It is required to enter suffixes as part of the transaction prior to finalizing if a suffix is on the PA driver’s license.

One verification per each transaction is needed. It is not recommended to reuse a prior validation.
Yes, you are required to retain a copy of the validation with all PennDOT related work.
DLDV service will be available 24/7 except for scheduled maintenance which will be communicated.
The DLDV fee may be added to the OLRS fee on the buyer’s order or invoice.
EXEMPT – these are not titled by PennDOT and the DL/DV verification check is not required.
Validations without photos are permitted.

The purchaser needs their ID validated; POAs are not the purchaser.

If presented with an interim license, contact PennDOT.