Today’s Solutions Old

Today's Solutions
for Today's Challenges

What the power of digital does for us in everyday life, it can do for us in our dealerships.

Showroom to back office efficiency

Don’t let your cash flow be placed on hold.

Don’t let your cash flow be placed on hold.

Recognize fuller profit opportunity with trade-in title release in as fast as 4-6 days. Dealertrack Accelerated Title® can help you turn inventory more quickly, reduce holding costs, and free up cash flow.

Save time and money by completing transactions electronically

Save time and money by completing transactions electronically

Optimize back-office processes with Dealertrack In-State Registration and Title.

Simplify complex cross-border registration and title

Simplify complex cross-border registration and title

Get tax and fee calculations for all 50 states in one tool with Dealertrack RegUSA®. Easily handle out-of-state deals for customers from any state.

Showroom to back office efficiency

Never miss a signature with Dealertrack Digital Contracting

Never miss a signature with Dealertrack Digital Contracting

Upload any document, apply signature blocks, and create a single signing room anytime, anywhere to give customers the flexibility to eSign wherever they are.

An effective solution for safeguarding your dealership

An effective solution for safeguarding your dealership

Designed to help you protect your dealership from fraud and fines, verify customer identities, keep your records digitally secure, and ensure you are audit ready.
Save time with a single funding package

Save time with a single funding package

Darwin Menu connects with Dealertrack F&I for an enhanced F&I Menu process that helps eliminate data re-entry and creates a more efficient contracting workflow.

Let’s get started

Book your one-on-one demo to find solutions for your dealership’s challenges and ask any questions you have.

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack Compliance securely stores documents for the state-mandated retention period so you’re always ready to prove deal compliance.

Did you know?

Depending on your state, you could be required to save all deal documents up to 7 years. Please seek legal counsel for verification and further details.

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack Compliance has checkpoints integrated throughout the deal to help verify your customer’s identity.

Did you know?

Red Flags Rule penalties can be as high as $4k per individual violation.

Source: *As of 2019 and subject to alteration depending on the circumstances of a violation. Please seek legal counsel for verification and further details.

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack’s connection with Darwin Menu helps you quickly build a single funding package that includes aftermarket contracts and the final menu.

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack Digital Contracting helps you create a single signing ceremony so customers can digitally sign at the dealership or remotely.

Did you know?

More than half of consumers are seeking alternatives to visiting the dealership in person.

*Cox Automotive COVID-19 Dealer Impact Study 2020

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack Digital Contracting helps you make any document eSignable, so you can simplify the signing process and never miss a signature.

Did you know?

1 in 4 paper contracts contains an error.

Source: Dealertrack data 2019

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack RegUSA® easily calculates the specific taxes and fees for all 50 states so you can create a better experience for customers from any state.

Did you know?

Out-of-state deals are on the rise year over year.

Today’s Solution

Streamline your back-office productivity with Dealertrack’s electronic in-state registration and title solution.

Did you know?

Electronic reg & title transactions with Dealertrack Registration and Title take just 4 minutes on average.

Today’s Solution

Dealertrack Accelerated Title gives you real-time status updates at the touch of a button with.
How many days does it take you on average?
Choose one option
  • From 3 to 5 days
  • From 6 to 8 days
  • From 10+ days
Time with Dealertrack
Payoff and Title Release
How many days does it take you on average?
Choose one option
  • From 8 to 11 days
  • From 12 to 18 days
  • From 20 to 30+ days
Time with Dealertrack


Calculate how much time you could save by going digital.

*For Illustrative Purposes Only. Not a guarantee of actual time savings.