eVaulting in the eOriginal SAAS Environment
Enhancing Your eVault Experience
The migration of active authoritative eContracts to the eOriginal SAAS environment provides lenders these added conveniences:
- Continual utilization of the most current eOriginal software
- Search functionality enhancements
- “Documents” link to view contracts
- User Interface design improvements
Attend a Live Demo/Training

Quick Start: Receiving/Decisioning Apps
Appear Ready to Receive Digital Contracts
Your dealer will see your organization noted as CHOICE, which means they can submit the contract digitally to you.


Receive Email Notification
When the dealer digitally submits the contract (and/or ancillary documents), you will receive an email notification with link to the deal documents in Dealertrack.
Enter Your Deal Queue:
By logging in to Dealertrack with your credentials (if not already logged in), you will be directed to your organization’s deal queue for contract review.


Begin Contract Review
Find the contract (and ancillary/trailing) documents in your organization’s deal queue to view, print or export.
Authoritative Copy Important Note:
Once you export the contract, your printed copy is now the authoritative copy, so follow your company protocol for safe storage.
Follow Your Funding Process
Simply follow your standard review and funding process as you do today.
Funded Contracts Important Note:
Your funded contract packages will remain accessible from your Deal Queue for 60 days.

Schedule a no-obligation 1:1 consultation with your Lender Solutions Specialist today.
Please complete the form below.
General Overview
Lender Workflow Video
Lender eVault FAQ
Inform your dealers you’re ready to receive digital contracts and share these tools to help them enjoy a streamlined process for faster funding.
User Permissions
& eVault Access
the Workspace
Print Transactions
Destroy & Terminate
Paper Out
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